Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The Adventure Of Adventure Map


So we all need a vacation at some point of the year, yes? And we all need to plan this vacation, right? But, is this not all an aggravating chore? I mean, firstly you need to find a location, secondly, you need to find the accommodation and after all of this, what do you do for fun there? Where do you take the kids? After all, you might think it’s your vacation, but let’s be honest; you go to where your kids can have a great time and give you the well deserved rest you have been seeking all year.

This, my friends, is the dilemma I have sat with year after year with. And being the good soul that I am, I thought I would help you with making this tedious task a simple and maybe even fun one.

Yes, that’s right. There is hope out there!

This hope I’m referring to has a name. It has the places all over Africa you are searching for. It has the accommodations you are looking for. It even has all the activities in the regions you are visiting. But best of all, it has all this and more on one website. Wait for it....wait.... here it is: Adventure Map!

I discovered this as I was searching and searching through countless sites. Sites that want subscriptions, credit card details and endless masses of redundant information. The beauty of Adventure Map is that there are none of these nuisances.

Of course, if you wanted to, you could create an account to get their news feeds and even write reviews. Obviously I did this. It really is brilliant. Simply log on, check out the area you want to holiday in, and there you have it. From there on it’s as simple as buttering bread. The area you plan on visiting will have activities for you and your kids, as well as attractions in the area...imagine that. No hassle, no dreading planning the vacation, just simply logging onto a site that has all of these options at your disposal. And my fellow planners, it’s so simple to use.

So next time, when you would rather plan to go to the in-laws because there is less hassle involved, remember to take this information to bed with you!